1.Museum of Military Technology
Address: 13 Powsińska St., 02-920 Warsaw
Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 (free admission on Thursdays)
Date of creation: April 22, 1920.
What the collection contains: military weapons, tanks, aircraft, other armored vehicles.
Link to the museum's website: http://www.muzeumwp.pl/muzeum-polskiej-techniki-wojskowej.php

Museum of Military Technology is located in part of the 19th-century Russian fort IX of the Warsaw Fortress, which Powsinska Street divides into two parts, i.e. the museum and the park. The facility contains numerous permanent outdoor exhibitions, rich in old military equipment and armored vehicles such as tanks, aircraft and artillery tractors.
In addition, the Museum of Military Technology is a division that runs the exploration activities and mining, which means that a large part of the exhibits on display are being restored and properly preserved.
Admission to the museum is completely free on Thursdays. On other days, the following ticket fees apply - normal for 12 zlotys, and concessionary for 6 zlotys. Nevertheless, it is definitely worth taking here, not only lovers of firearms or military vehicles, but anyone fascinated by history.
2.National Museum
Address: Jerozolimskie Avenue 3, 00-495 Warsaw
Opening hours: monday - closed, pt - 10am-8pm, tuesday - 10am-6pm (free admission on Tuesdays)
Date of creation: 1862 r.
What the collection contains: works of art, i.e. paintings, engravings, sculptures, photographs.
Link to the museum's website: http://www.mnw.art.pl/

National Museum in Warsaw is one of the oldest art museums in all of Poland. The headquarters is located at 3 Jerozolimskie Avenue, but the museum still has a 4 branches, i.e. the Poster Museum in Wilanow, the Xawery Dunikowski Museum of Sculpture in Królikarnia, the Museum of Interiors in Otwock Wielki and the Museum in Nieborów and Arcadia.
Admission to the museum is free every Tuesday. On the other days the facility is open, the standard price list applies, i.e. 20 zloty for a regular ticket, 10 zloty for a discounted ticket, and for 1 zloty pupils and students under 26 can enter.
In addition to permanent exhibitions such as Gallery of Ancient or Medieval Art, the museum also has temporary exhibitions in its portfolio. In addition - within its walls are organized painting workshops, lectures, as well as activities for the youngest visitors.
To most popular collections belong: image "Beautiful Madonna of Wroclaw"., painting "St. Anna" from the 8th century, or a painting by Stanislaw Wyspianski "Self-portrait among the vine shoots"..
3.Geological Museum
Address: 4 Rakowiecka Street, 00-975 Warsaw
Opening hours: Mon-Fri - 9am-5:30pm, Sat - closed, Sunday - 10am-3pm
Date of creation: 1919 r.
What the collection contains: skeletons of extinct animal species, mineral resources, fossils.
Link to the museum's website: https://www.pgi.gov.pl/muzeum/

Geological Museum in Warsaw is more than a century old facility, which in its wide portfolio opens to the visitor all that the Earth hides - both modern and from thousands of years ago.
The following are available to visitors various exhibitions, From permanent, to outdoor, to temporary and loan collections. Admission to the museum is free for everyone Regardless of age and 6 days a week.
The exhibits are thematically diverse and will interest everyone - even the youngest explorer. Among the most famous exhibits you will find, among others. reconstruction of a Polish dinosaur - dilophosaurus, skeleton of a woolly mammoth, as well as extensive collections of rocks, minerals and fossils. In total, all the available exhibitions have gathered about 4,500 exhibits.
4.Museum of Warsaw Uprising
Address: 79 Grzybowska St., 00-844 Warsaw
Opening hours: Tuesday - closed, Mon-Fri - 9am-6pm (free admission on Mondays), Sat-Sun - 10am-6pm
Date of establishment: February 10, 1983, opening July 31, 2004.
What the collection contains: weapons, personal items, letters, maps, plaques, documents of insurgents.
Link to the museum's website: https://sghradoslaw44.pl/muzeum/

Warsaw Uprising Museum is undoubtedly an atmospheric place, where there is no shortage of emotion and admiration. The expositions refer to a memorable period in Polish history, i.e. the Warsaw Uprising of the 1944 r.
The museum was established in 1983, while it was officially opened in 60th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising in 2004. The average time to visit the museum is about 2 hours.
On Mondays admission to the museum is free. On other days, the following ticket prices apply: PLN 25 normal, PLN 20 concession, while PLN 10 for those who have a Large Family Card.
Among available exhibits can be seen, among other things. remnants of the insurgents in the form of documents, clothing, firearms whether shoes.
5.Museum of Caricature
Address: 11 Kozia Street, 00-070 Warsaw
Opening hours: Tue-Wed and Fri-Sun - 10am-6pm (free admission on Tuesdays); Thurs - 12-8pm; Mon - closed
Date of creation: 1978 r.
What the collection contains: Polish and foreign prints, paintings and photographs with satirical themes.
Link to the museum's website: https://muzeumkarykatury.pl/index.php/pl/wizyta

Eric Lipinski Museum of Caricature is a place that has the most famous unique art prints, including paintings, photographs or drawings, kept in satirical themes. It is located in the center of Warsaw on Kozia Street and has so far accumulated about 20,000 exhibits.
The museum can be visit free of charge every Tuesday. On other days, you have to pay PLN 10 for a regular ticket, and PLN 5 for a discounted ticket. The facility also has the option of purchasing a family ticket for 20 zlotys (2 adults + up to 3 children).
The museum features works by such artists as, among others. Jerzy Flisak, Julian Bohdanowicz, Franciszek Kostrzewski and founder - Erik Lipinski.
6.Marie Curie-Skłodowska Museum in Warsaw
Address: 16 Freta Street, 00-227 Warsaw
Opening hours: Tues-Sat - 12-6pm (free admission on Tuesdays), Sunday and Monday - closed
Date of creation: 1967 r.
What the collection contains: personal belongings of the Nobel laureate and her husband, documents, photographs, medals.
Link to the museum's website: https://www.mmsc.waw.pl/

Marie Curie-Skłodowska Museum It is located in a reconstructed 18th century building, where the Nobel Prize winner was born. It has typically biographical in nature and educational, bringing everyone up to date on the history of Maria Curie-Sklodowska's achievements.
Admission to the museum is free on Tuesdays. On the other days the facility is open, the price for a regular ticket is PLN 11, while for a discounted ticket you have to pay PLN 5. The price also includes audio guide, which is sure to make a visit to the museum more attractive.
At the Maria Curie-Sklodowska Museum, you can see most of the unique memorabilia from the daily and professional life of the Nobel laureate. The most popular exhibits are collections of original notes, documents whether gauges used by the Curie couple in their Paris laboratory.
7.Sculpture Park in Królikarnia
Address: 113a Pulawska St., 02-707 Warsaw
Opening hours: pt-Sun - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Thursdays - 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. (free admission on Thursdays); Monday and Tuesday - closed
Date of creation: 1965 r.
What the collection contains: selected exhibitions from the collection of the National Museum in Warsaw.
Link to the museum's website: http://www.krolikarnia.mnw.art.pl/wizyta/

Sculpture Park is a picturesque place amidst green trees and shrubs, near the classicist Królikarnia Palace. Numerous installations are appearing in the Park, which also announces temporary exhibitions at the palace. In addition, in the space of the Sculpture Park are organized outdoor espositions.
Some of the sculptures present in the park are on relatively low pedestals so that they are open to all visitors, both for children and people with disabilities.
Free entry into the Sculpture Park is only possible on Thursdays. Outside of this day, the following price list is in effect - you will purchase a normal ticket for 15 PLN, a discounted ticket for 10 PLN, and a family ticket for 32 PLN (max. 6 people).
Some of the most popular exposures include, among others. sculptures by Xawery Dunikowski, Alphonse Karny whether Stanislaw Ostrowski.
8.NBP Money Center
Address: 11/21 Świętokrzyska Street, 00-919 Warsaw
Opening hours: Wednesday-Sunday - 10am-6pm, Thursday - 10am-8pm, Monday - closed
Date of creation: May 14, 2016.
What the collection contains: Polish numismats, coins from around the world, interactive exhibitions to popularize economic knowledge.
Link to the museum's website: https://www.cpnbp.pl/

NBP Money Center named after Slawomir S. Skrzypek is a place with a unique goal - to spread and popularize knowledge of economics and monetary history. The Center was officially opened in 2016 during the Night of Museums in Warsaw.
The facility is an interactive place with up to 16 thematic rooms, which are designed to familiarize the largest possible audience with the history of the establishment and evolution of the banking system and central banking. A tour of the above NBP Money Center is free for all and does not require advance ticket reservations.
The Money Center has some very interesting exhibits like. treasury with a gold bar, unique coins from all over the world, including valuable polish numismats.
9.Museum of the Palace of King John III in Wilanów
Address: Stanisława Kostki Potockiego 10/16, 02-958 Warsaw
Opening hours: Mon-Sun - 9:30-21:00 (free admission on Thursdays)
Date of creation: 1995 r.
What the collection contains: art collections from the Wilanow collection of Stanislaw Kostka Potocki.
Link to the museum's website: https://www.wilanow-palac.pl/

Museum of the Palace of King John III in Wilanów As an independent institution it was established in 1995. The museum is based in the residence of King John III Sobieski, a charming palace finished in baroque architectural style.
The objects of the museum's exhibitions are perfectly preserved art collections, derived from the created by Stanislaw Kostka Potocki - wilanowska collection. In addition to extensive art facilities, the museum is surrounded by almost 89-hectare green palace and park area, which gives the whole place a historical atmosphere.
Admission to the museum is free on thursday. However, on other days, the price of a regular ticket is 35 zlotys, while a discounted ticket is 28 zlotys. Children under 7 can visit the museum for free.
The most popular paintings that hide the palace's walls include, among others. "Madonna and Child". Peter Paul Rubens whether "Horse Portrait of Stanisław Kostka Potocki". by Jacques-Louis Davida.
10.The Royal Castle in Warsaw
Address: 4 Castle Square, 00-277 Warsaw
Opening hours: Tues-Sun - 10am-6pm (free admission on Wednesdays); Monday - closed
Date of creation: 1979 r.
What the collection contains: collections of militaria, military armaments, collections of European artworks.
Link to the museum's website: https://www.zamek-krolewski.pl/

Royal Castle in Warsaw is a baroque-classicist castle, restored and rebuilt after being completely destroyed by the Germans in 1944 during World War II. In the past it was the seat of the authorities of the Republic, i.e. the king and the Sejm. Currently, the castle grounds include permanent exhibitions and are organized temporary exhibitions.
Admission to the museum is free every Wednesday. On the other days the facility is open, the standard price list applies, however, prices change very often, so the best solution is to verify prices on the museum's official website.
Permanent exhibitions include primarily: Royal Apartments, numerous art-rich galleries from different historical periods or at least former parliament halls.