1.American Folk Art. Museum
Address: 2 Lincoln Square, New York, NY 10023, United States.
Opening hours: Wed-Sun - 11:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., Mon-Wed - closed
Date of creation: June 23, 1961.
What the collection contains: treasures of folk art such as ceramic objects, furniture, textiles, etc., modern works.
Website link: https://folkartmuseum.org/

At the folk art museum - American Folk Art. Museum, starting with 1961 more than 8,000 objects Both traditional and modern art. The institution is located in Manhattan at 2 Lincoln Square, Columbus Avenue at 66th Street. Each year the number of visitors is about 100,000 people.
Admission to the museum is absolutely free. In the interiors of the above institution are presented collections of objects, ranging from from the period of the 18th century to the most recent times. Nevertheless, the museum puts not only archival treasures of folk art, but proudly presents works of contemporary self-taught artists, who often donate their works to the museum in the form of a gift.
The most popular of the works present in the museum are: portraits Sheldon Peck, paintings Thortona Dial, Judith Scott or quilts, and the hand knitting of schoolgirls.
Visitors can also purchase charming souvenirs from the "The world's best museum gift store"., where there are books, toys, catalogs or personal photo frames.
2.Bronx Museum Of Arts
Address: 1040 Grand Concourse, The Bronx, NY 10456, United States.
Opening hours: Wed-Sun - 1-6pm, Mon-Wed - closed
Date of creation: May 11, 1971.
What the collection contains: works of contemporary art and 20th century art
Website link: https://www.bronxmuseum.org/

New York Bronx Museum Of Arts is a popular institution known for its modern art objects and 20th century art. The museum is a kind of complement to the historic Grand Concourse district.
The Bronx Museum of Arts collection has more than 800 exhibits Among which are paintings, photographs, as well as sculptures. The exhibitions are changed periodically, however, a permanent event at the museum is the annual organized "Artist of the Year" program, where the professionals of choice emerging artists, have a chance to spread the wings of their careers.
Among the most popular museum objects stand out, including paintings by Martina Wonga, sculptures made by Diana Al.-Hadid whether unconventional works Arlene Slavin. Admission to the museum is free.
3.National Museum of Indian American
Address: 1 Bowling Green, New York, NY 10004, United States.
Opening hours: Mon-Sun - 10am-5pm
Date of creation: 1989 r.
What the collection contains: art of indigenous peoples of the Americas, everyday objects of Indians.
Website link: https://americanindian.si.edu/

National Museum Of Indian American based in New York, is a nod to the life and culture of Indians, especially North American Indians. The museum is divided into more than a dozen collections drawn from different ethnologies. The facility has a total of 266,000 exhibits.
The museum's collection mainly includes aesthetic objects, utilitarian items, botanical specimens, works of art, clothing or accessories of Indian tribes. An additional advantage of this place is organizing a number of exhibitions and film screenings and multimedia, telling the story of Indian life and culture.
Admission to the museum is of course absolutely free, in turn, it takes about two hours to visit the exhibits of the National Museum Of Indian American. Among the museum's most valuable collections, are, among others. Blackfeet or Lakot tribal collectionsa, collections Navajo blankets, extensive collections Pueblo ceramics or archaeological collections in the form of shells or stones.
4.Federal Hall Museum Memorial
Address: 26 Wall St, New York, NY 10005, United States.
Opening hours: Mon-Fri - 9am-5pm, Sat-Sun - closed
Date of creation: May 26, 1842.
What the collection contains: a national monument with a historic facade; New York's first City Hall.
Website link: https://www.nps.gov/feha/index.htm

Federal Hall Museum Memorial is considered the birthplace of the American government, hence the treatment of the above building as a national monument. In addition, Federal Hall was New York City's first ever City Hall.
The facility is located in a historic Wall Street district. Of particular note, which attracts tens of millions of tourists, is the exquisite architectural style in which Federal Hall was built. It is a combination of greek deferral in the american edition, which will delight any art connoisseur.
Prominent among the collected exhibits are George Washington Inauguration Gallery, where it is located, among other things. Bible used for swearing in. In addition, a showcase exhibition is also a regular feature of the tour New York An American Capital. There you can see unique exhibits such as. A fragment of the balcony where George Washington stood During the first inauguration.
5.Queens County Farm Museum
Address: 73-50 Little Neck Pkwy, Queens, NY 11004, United States.
Opening hours: Mon-Sun - 10am-5pm
Date of creation: 1750 r.
What the collection contains: restored farm buildings from 3 different centuries, antique farm equipment.
Website link: https://www.queensfarm.org/

Historic farmhouse, which has been in continuous, active use since 1697. The exhibits collected in the museum are mainly buildings, recreated in the climate of the age from which they came. One of them is Cornell Farmhouse, which is an integral part of the museum. In addition, you can also see numerous examples of antique equipment used in agriculture.
Very popular among visitors is the opportunity to participate in free guided tours of the farm, while the little ones will surely be happy to see farm animals. In addition, the farm organizes many cultural and entertainment events, the nature of which depends on the season.
In addition, the museum on the farm from May to October, offers shopping at a seasonal stand filled with fruits, vegetables, herbs or flowers from their own crops.
6.The Hispanic Society Of America
Address: 613 W 155th St, New York, NY 10032, United States.
Opening hours: Thurs-Sun - 12-6pm, Mon-Wed - closed
Date of creation: May 18, 1904.
What the collection contains: rare copies and manuscripts of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American literature, works of art.
Website link: https://hispanicsociety.org/

The Hispanic Society Of America is a museum dedicated to Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American art in the broadest sense. It was opened to the public in 1904 By Archer M. Huntington. The museum is located on Audubon Terrace, whose surroundings abound with restaurants specializing in Spanish cuisine.
An unquestionable advantage is free admission to the facility. The museum's collection brings together more than 430,000 exhibits, of which the dominant position is occupied by books and photographs. There are also paintings, sculptures, textiles or archaeological finds.
To most valuable acquisitions The Hispanic Society Of America include, among others. first edition of Don Quixote By Miguel de Cervantes, works of Diego Velazquez, Francisco Goya or El Greco.
7.Leslie-Lohman Museum of Arts
Address: 26 Wooster St, New York, NY 10013, United States.
Opening hours: Thurs-Sun - 12-6pm, Wed - 12-5pm, Mon-Wed - closed
Date of creation: 1987 r.
What the collection contains: visual arts, including paintings, drawings, sculptures by artists of the LGBTQ+ community.
Website link: https://www.leslielohman.org/

Leslie-Lohman Museum Of Arts is a New York-based visual art museum located in SoHo in Lower Manhattan. The collection primarily includes all kinds of works by artists from LGBTQ+ communities, which goes hand in hand with the museum's stated mission of deepening understanding and acceptance of the diversity of this community's experiences.
The museum offers several basic programs, but also many weekend or seasonal exhibitions and workshops. The facility also organizes talks and lectures as part of a year-round educational program.
Among the most famous museum exhibits include, among others. works by Andy Warhol, David Wojnarowicz, as well as excellent photographs by Duane Michals whether Berenice Abbott.
8.Harbor Defense Museum
Address: 230 Sheridan Loop, Brooklyn, NY 11252, United States.
Opening hours: Tue-Fri - 10am - 4pm, Sat - Mon - closed
Date of creation: 1980 r.
What the collection contains: artifacts of New York's military history - uniforms, old maps.
Website link: https://www.harbordefensemuseum.com/

Harbor Defense Museum is the only military museum in New York, also known as the Caponiers. It is located on the grounds of the 19th century Fort Hamilton, whose historical purpose was to defend the fortress from attacks from behind.
The Harbor Defense Museum's collection abounds with a variety of military exhibits, including Original surviving remnants of the American War of Independence, old maps of the fort, small arms and firearms, cannons or Military uniforms equipping the United States Army Starting from the 18th century until modern times. Definitely worth seeing is also exhibition in the secret tunnel, which originally connected Fort Hamilton to another base half a mile away.
To this day, the museum continues to play one of the most important educational roles in explaining the The history of the evolution of the Port of Hamilton, New York.
9.Scandinavia House
Address: 58 Park Ave, New York, NY 10016, United States.
Opening hours: wed-Saturday - 11am-6pm, nd-wt - closed
Date of creation: 2000 r.
What the collection contains: performing arts from Scandinavian countries, exhibitions and programs on Scandinavian culture.
Website link: https://www.scandinaviahouse.org/

New York's Scandinavia House cultural center is an institution that aims to preserve the history and culture of Scandinavian countries in the United States. The facility is located in Murray Hill in Manhattan. The center is primarily known for organizing various courses, programs and exhibitions on Scandinavian culture.
Scandinavia House consists of 6 stories. The third floor is entirely devoted to unique Scandinavian art, including primarily painting, sculpture or photography. The most coveted exhibition was a solo a collection of works by Edvard Munch.
In addition, also worth seeing is the resource-rich library located on the fourth floor with a charming view of Park Avenue.
Among the most popular facilities include, among others. works of art of nordic culture, Heimbold Family Fun and Learning Center for Children.
10.Federal Reverse Bank Of NY
Address: 33 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10045, United States.
Opening hours: Mon-Fri - 1-14:00 pm
Date of creation: November 16, 1914.
What the collection contains: a museum and treasury of New York gold.
Website link: https://www.newyorkfed.org/

Federal Reverse Bank Of NY is one of the twelve largest banks of the Federal Reserve System, located at the Wall Street in Manhattan. It is also the site that is the largest gold repository in the entire world.
The museum is open to both the general public and organized tours. Tours with the assistance of a guide are absolutely free, and the tour lasts an equal clock hour. Nevertheless, entry is possible only after prior reservation and after showing a printed ticket of admission.
Tourists have the opportunity to Learn about the roles and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve and visit the inside of the New York gold vault.
For fans of action cinema, the Federal Reverse Bank Of NY will prove equally attractive, as its prestigious space was a The plot element of the movie "Glass Trap 3".